
Thanks for checking out Jess of the d'Urbervilles, where I will be putting all my bookish things in one spot. Previously they have lived on a blog or on Twitter or on Goodreads or on Instagram and they will also continue to pop up in those places, so do not worry. But also all those places can feel very angsty and not great and being able to know I could hang on to all of it no matter what is a good feeling. So here we are, on Ghost, all together hanging out.

My plan is for this to be a spot where I update weekly with blurbs on any books releasing that week that I've read and enjoyed (as I usually do on Twitter on Tuesdays) and also to include my longer reviews of anything else I've read (as I usually do on Goodreads). So there will be a mix of new and upcoming, but if you miss something in upcoming I almost always will talk about it again at release.

It will also have all my Best Lists, which I so enjoy doing. As of now I am not planning to charge for this or to use affiliate links, and unless the volume of subscribers becomes truly ridiculous I don't expect that to change. If you have ever met me in person you know that I do this shit for free and I absolutely cannot help it, I must get it out of my system somehow, and my apologies to anyone who ends up in my direct line of sight when it happens.

Likewise I apologize for the terrible name of this site/newsletter. I could not help myself. I love Thomas Hardy, as all good literary masochists do, and once it popped into my brain I was helpless against it.

Coming next week: my blurbs for new releases This Thing Between Us, a fantastic cosmic horror, and Tales from the Cafe, the series that invented cozy time travel; reviews of my recent reads, including the much anticipated new novel from Hanya Yanagihara, To Paradise.